Guardian Pharmacy of Florida Awarded FALA Associate Member of the Year

Guardian Pharmacy of Florida was awarded Florida Assisted Living Association’s 2024 Associate Member of the Year award at this year’s annual conference. The award recognizes associate member businesses who have been longtime members and supporters of the association and have been actively involved in FALA events through participation in the annual conference, chapter meetings, Legislative

GuardianShield’s Clinical Intervention Program: Ensuring Medication Safety and Resident Well-being

GuardianShield’s Clinical Intervention Program: Ensuring Medication Safety and Resident Well-being Adverse drug events (ADEs) are a common cause of unplanned hospitalizations, increasing morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Each year, they account for over 3.5 million doctor’s office visits, 1 million emergency room visits, and 125,000 hospital admissions. However, nearly half of these events are preventable.