“Our transition to Southern Pharmacy has been nothing short of amazing. The staff is helpful, timely, and motivated to find solutions to any issues. I’m very impressed with the responsiveness. It is truly state of the art! The Southern Pharmacy staff treats every issue and project with the same level of importance and service. Everything is treated as a priority that promotes care. Thank you for your service! The imprint you have made is immeasurable.”
Allegra Jackson- Allegra Jackson, Health & Wellness Director, Brookdale High Point (NC)
“In a meeting with two of our executives about an unrelated issue, they both raved about Guardian Pharmacy of Minnesota and their excellent customer service. After choosing Guardian, we couldn’t agree more!”
– Director, Long-Term Care Community (MN)
Director, Long-Term Care Community
“Guardian’s clinical prowess really shines with the ancillary services offered. Our facility has experienced improved resident outcomes as a direct result of collaboration with their pharmacy consultants. This team of experts lends decades of experience to our clinical mission. We have seen our psychotropic medications reduced and the dose-per-dose clinical efficacy enhanced thanks to their analysis and consultation on our residents.”
Garrett McIntosh- Garrett McIntosh, Director of Nursing, Webco Manor (Marshfield, MO)
“Do what’s right, no matter what. That is the best way, and the right way, to succeed in business.”
Fred Burke- Fred Burke, Guardian President and Chief Executive Officer