Hospice Providers

for Success

Regardless of where your organization is in its PBM or technology journey, we’re here to help. We collaborate and integrate with leading PBM, PBM-alternative, and connected technology platforms.


We are e-scribe compatible and interface with leading electronic health record (EHR) vendors for LTC hospice residents. Your team can track orders in real time with our customer portal and communicate phone-free with GuardianNote® our secure texting app.

Smart Packaging for
Smarter Care

Safe delivery of your patients’ medications is one of your most critical needs, so we use custom compliance packaging systems to accurately prepare, label, and provide ready-to-distribute medications.


We create efficiencies throughout every aspect of your operation and provide you with actionable data insights so you can spend less time on medication management and more time on care and comfort for families and patients.

“When it comes to residents, I don’t think of them as a business or a customer or a resident. I think of them as family. I’m thinking that could be my mother or my grandmother or my grandfather.”

Pamela Williams, Guardian Customer Service Account Manager, Southern Pharmacy Services (NC)

Contact a solution expert at a Guardian pharmacy near you today.