Delivering safety,
As individuals embark on a new phase of life—whether in an assisted living community, skilled nursing facility, or other type of extended care setting—they require specialized pharmacy services.
In fact, nearly two million Americans rely on the services of long-term care (LTC) pharmacies like Guardian every day for specialized pharmacy needs beyond regular medication dispensing.
These valuable LTC pharmacy services are designed for older adults and individuals with complex medical needs living in a variety of care settings and include benefits such as:
- Around-the-clock access to essential medications
- Advanced medication packaging technology
- Assistance in navigating complex insurance benefit plans
- Medication coordination across multiple doctors and care settings
What LTC Pharmacy Services Mean for You
Experienced Senior
Care Pharmacists
Our pharmacists specialize in caring for older adults and those with complex health needs, ensuring medications are used safely and effectively. They review prescriptions for compatibility, conduct medication reviews, and collaborate with care teams to enhance safety and care quality.
Pharmacy Care
We answer our phones, dispense medications, and deliver prescriptions day or night directly to the communities we serve—24/7/365—eliminating trips to the pharmacy or waiting on mail order.
Assistance with
Benefit Plans
Navigating complex insurance benefit plans can be confusing. From helping you choose the best plan to fit your needs, to ensuring medications are covered, our local billing specialists are here to help.
Smart Packaging
Our easy-to-use, smart medication packaging is pre-sorted by administration time, uniformly labeled, and barcode-enabled, decreasing the risk for medication error.
Our pharmacies sync with your community’s medication record system. This real-time connection ensures you receive the right medication at the right time, every time.
Staff Education
& Training
Our pharmacists and nurses help ensure safe and accurate medication management with hands-on training, education, and support for your community’s staff.
to Your
Our dedicated pharmacy teams are committed to your safety and well-being. We perform thorough checks on how medications are administered and stored in your community.
We coordinate with community staff to ensure you receive critical medications without interruption in the event of a natural disaster or emergency evacuation.
At Guardian Pharmacy, we partner with long-term care communities such as assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing, and behavioral health to provide expert LTC pharmacy services. Our pharmacy teams work closely with the community’s care staff to make sure every resident receives the right medication, at the right time, every day—helping to support their health, well-being, and independence.
Reach out to a Guardian location near you to learn more about how our pharmacies partner with care communities nationwide to provide the highest level of medication safety and support.