On August 24th 2017, Guardian Pharmacy Services participated in Brookdale’s annual “Golf to End Alzheimer’s” at Vanderbilt Legends Club in Franklin, TN.
Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States and Guardian Pharmacy Services was proud to be a sponsor at this year’s event which raises money and awareness for the disease.
Guardian Pharmacy Services was represented by CEO Fred Burke, EVP Kendall Forbes, National Account Manager Allison Boulware, VP, IT Systems David Martin and IT Project Manager Taylor Smalling. Russ Spivey, president of Middle Tennessee Pharmacy Services and East Tennessee Pharmacy Services, was also there to represent his pharmacies.
Brookdale is one of the largest organizations contributing to this Alzheimer’s, raising millions of dollars in donations every year. Guardian Pharmacy Services is proud to be their partner. We look forward to attending next year!

Russ Spivey, President of MTPS and ETPS, Taylor Smalling, IT Project Manager at Guardian Pharmacy Services, and Angela Haley, VP Administration, Clinical Services at Brookdale